Mother and child

Encouraging Kindness in Young Minds

christian parenting christian values kindness values May 03, 2024

 Encouraging Kindness in Young Minds 

Life is busy. Maybe you feel like there’s always something going on. It feels like there’s always something to be worried about or working towards..

That's normal... That's life, right?

But as a result, it becomes all too easy to overlook the importance of teaching “common sense” principles to your children.  If we aren't careful, we can assume they will naturally learn the things that they actually need us to encourage within them.

As a Christian parent, one of your greatest responsibilities is raising children who know Jesus and strive to live their lives more like Him each and every day. Kindness is a fundamental value that reflects the teaching and love of Christ, and as such, encouraging kindness in the minds of your young children is of utmost importance.  

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The Christian Imperative to Be Kind 

Kindness is deeply embedded in the teachings of Jesus and is a recurring theme throughout Scripture. We’re told in Ephesians 4:32 to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other as Christ forgave us. This verse not only commands kindness but also ties it to the core principles of forgiveness and compassion—reflecting the heart of the gospel. As a Christian parent, when you teach kindness, you are passing on far more than good manners; you are sharing a way of life that mirrors the love of Jesus and raising children who reflect His love and light in the world. 


How Kindness Reflects Christ's Teachings 

Jesus exemplified kindness through His actions and words. Whether He was healing the sick, feeding the hungry, or teaching His disciples, His kindness was evident. He engaged with all people regardless of their status or what they could offer Him in return. His example provides a blueprint for us and our children on how to live out kindness in our daily lives. Kindness, as demonstrated by Jesus, is proactive, selfless, and inclusive. 


Fostering Kindness in Young Minds 

To nurture a kind heart in children is to equip them with the ability to change their world positively.  


Here are a few practical ways to encourage the essential virtue of kindness in the daily life of your family: 

Lead by Example: Children learn kindness not just from what they are told but also by observing the actions of adults around them. When they see us treating others with compassion and respect, they are more likely to replicate these behaviors. Simple acts, like expressing gratitude, offering help, or even just a friendly smile to a stranger, can teach them the value of kindness in a tangible way. Show kindness in your interactions, whether it's with family members, friends, or strangers. This will help your child understand that kindness is a universal language spoken through our actions. 

Encourage Empathy: Kindness is deeply connected to empathy—the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Foster empathy in your children by discussing feelings and perspectives. Ask them how they think another person might feel in different situations, whether it's a character in a book or a friend at school. By guiding them to consider the emotions of others, you help them develop the foundational skills needed for empathy, which naturally leads to acts of kindness. 

Make Kindness a Family Activity: Involve your children in planning and carrying out acts of kindness as a family. This could be organizing a food drive, writing thank-you notes to community helpers, or visiting a nursing home to spend time with the elderly. These activities not only serve others but also reinforce the joy and importance of being kind, showing your children the positive impact their actions can have on others. 

Recognize Kind Acts: When you notice your child performing an act of kindness, acknowledge and praise them for it. Positive reinforcement makes children feel proud of their good deeds and motivates them to continue behaving kindly. It's also beneficial to discuss the impact their kindness may have had on others, helping them see the broader effects of their actions and encouraging them to think beyond themselves. 

Read and Discuss Stories of Kindness: Literature is a powerful tool in teaching life lessons, including kindness. Books that showcase characters who are kind, empathetic, and helpful can significantly influence a child's behavior by presenting them with scenarios where kindness leads to positive outcomes. After reading, discuss with your children why the characters' actions were important, and ask them how they might act similarly in their own lives. Christian children’s book, "Happy Are the People," can help guide discussions on kindness through relatable characters that embody this virtue. By introducing your children to stories, you can help them visualize and understand the practical implications of kindness in a way that resonates with their everyday experiences. 


Kindness as a Lifestyle 

Incorporating kindness into your daily lives isn't just about individual acts; it's about creating a lifestyle that exudes warmth and generosity. This lifestyle fosters a family environment where kindness is the norm, not the exception. It can be a great idea to set daily kindness “challenges” as a family. Each day, each family member can aim to perform one random act of kindness, no matter how small. It will introduce fun and inspiration as you share these with one another at the end of each day. You can discuss what you learned and how this experience made you feel, as well as celebrate each other for these acts of kindness.  


Encouraging kind hearts in your children is one of the greatest gifts you can offer them. As you model, teach, and encourage kindness, you prepare your children to lead with compassion and empathy. You have the opportunity to have a hand in raising a generation that values and practices kindness as a fundamental part of their character and changes the world for the better as a result. 


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